Thursday, September 23, 2010

Women: Inspiration and Enterprise 20th September 2010

Donna Karan at WIE Symposium
The first WIE Symposium, hosted by Sarah Brown, Ariana Huffington and Donna Karan, gathered 300 women, including world famous faces, political leaders, women from fashion, entertainment, and business, and young women from New York, Africa and Asia. Coinciding with the United Nations General Assembly, WIE focuses on improving worldwide womens and childrens healthcare. The fantastic art exhibition, curated by Pace Gallery director Nicola Vassell featured a dozen contemporary women artists. Yoko Ono's piece, two blank canvases, arrived with instructions for women to write memories of their mothers.

Queen Raina of Jordan 

Nora Ephron, Elizabeth Banks and Christy Turlington Burns

Lorna Simpson

Rachel Feinstein
Carolee Schneeman
Yoko Ono's piece being created by a WIE participant
Mom Love curated by Yoko Ono

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