Thursday, February 4, 2010


It might be Restaurant Week, but we all know the economy of home cooking. Here’s a very easy and delicious meal with plenty of room for improvisation..
This can go from high end (imported Italian tuna in a cute glass jar) to economy (Bumblebee chunk) It’s quick, comforting and perfect for a cold night. For an easy seasonal salad, chop up a grapefruit on top of  spinach, rugala, or romaine. Serve the spaghetti and savor the pleasure of dining at home.
1 7 oz jar or can of tuna
Olive oil
2-3 peeled and diced garlic
1 small chopped onion (optional)
1 28 oz. canned diced tomatoes
or if you’re not lazy 1 can plum tomatoes which you will chop up
½ teaspoon crushed red pepper
these are optional…..
2 Tb. Capers (I like salted, but remember to heavily rinse in hot water)
Some chopped black olives
  1. Drain tuna of liquid, and break into pieces
  2. Heat 2 tb. Olive oil, add chopped garlic, (and onion if you are so inclined)
  3. Add tomatoes, red pepper and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Now’s the time to add capers and olives, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Cook spaghetti until tender.
  6. Stir in tuna and parsley.
  7.  Add sauce, parsley and serve. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This pasta is delicious!

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